Sunday, October 29, 2006
Hot Apple Pie SOLD (Click here to see results on eBay)

I was looking through old reference photos and ran across some shots I took of some pie after I had started to eat it. I tried to paint it more directly, with heavier paint to help express the creaminess of the melting icecream, but when you do that, you give away the smooth modeled look of liquid. Click on the image for a larger view.
Monday, October 23, 2006
Sunday, October 22, 2006
Slippery Slide SOLD (Click here to see results on eBay)

Keeping with kidstiff this week, I decided to try to paint a scene that I remember from my childhood. This is a slippery slide in Wayne Nebraska, but I can still remember a slide in my home town of South Sioux city Nebraska, that really scared me. I always felt too high, and that I could see the curvature of the earth up there. When I slide down, I didn't always let go of the rails. This was a pretty nice one in Wayne, and no, I didn't slide down it. It was about fourty degrees this day. Click on the image for a larger view.
Saturday, October 21, 2006
Jack'o lantern SOLD(Click here for auction results)

I was stuck for something to paint today, but finally settled on a jack'o lantern. What's more fun to paint than a glowing light source, and from a pumpkin yet. There have been great paintings done by the masters, of candle lit scenes, fireplace settings, and light raking in from windows, and they have always been a source of inspiration. They did those paintings without photographs too. Click on the image for a larger view.
Friday, October 20, 2006
Koi Pond SOLD(Click here for auction results)

Thanks to Luis Colan for giving me the reference for this Koi Pond. He took a trip this last summer and shot some great pics of a stream that I ask him permission to use also. They worked out great, but the Koi Pond has been sitting in my studio for 2 months now with some problems that needed to be addressed. I still need to noodle in the detail on the fish, the eyes,scales, etc, then it's done. I'll do that later tonight hopefully. Click on the image for a larger view.
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Lunchtime for Calf SOLD(click here for aution results)

You would think the reference for this painting was from right here in the midwest, but it happens to be from a farm outside of San Marcos California. Last summer, Dave Darrow and I were searching for things to plein air paint, and we looked into some areas out by Elfin Forrest (or something like that). I have some great creek reference that I haven't dug into yet that I also shot that day. I might be in the mood for more landscapes after this one. It was a great shady creek. Click on the image for a larger view.
Monday, October 16, 2006
Two Onions SOLD(Click here to view eBay results)

Here's a couple of onions that are amazingingly hard to paint. I've seen other artist do them quickly, and some do them in a more rendered fashion like these, and gotta say, I can really appreciate the more direct approach. The color has to be so dark and rich on the red onion, and the subtle tones on the white onion are various greys of pink yellow and green. They took alot longer than I planned. And what's even more surprising to me is that some of the simplist objects have a ton of information in them where you only need one object instaed of two to make a good painting.
Click on the image for a larger view.
Sunday, October 15, 2006
Jar of Pickles SOLD(Click here to view auction results)

I think I need another half hour on this to get it to where I want it. I like the color and the directness of the paintapplication, but there are a couple of drawing issues and some value and contrast that I want to correct. It's hard to put something back on the easle when there's another painting or two already in your head. Can't explain how fun a blank canvas can be. Check back later and see the changes. Click on the image for a larger view.
Friday, October 13, 2006
Cantaloupe SOLD (Click here to view auction results)

Here's a painting that went pretty well. I tried to not kill it by over rendering. Most of the brush strokes are direct and untouched after I put them down, and I really like trhe color feel. My only regret again was not laying the paint down as thickly as I want to eventually achieve. I'll get there. Click on the image for a larger view.
Thursday, October 12, 2006
Pie and Ice Cream with Coffee SOLD(Click here to view auction results)

I decided to get back into some sweeter subject matter and after leafing through my old photos, I decided on pie and coffee. I wanted to paint a little larger also so I made this one 12x16. Glad I found something in the archives instead of having to buy it, shoot it, and then eat it. Click on the image for a larger view.
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Orange #4 SOLD(Click here to view auction results)

I know you think you might have seen this one before, but it is new. Last month I had one sitting on a plate, and two months ago the same orange was sitting on a window ledge. The very first painting I did for thses auctions was an orange layout on a cutting board, thus the creative title...Orange #4. Click on the image for a larger view.
Moon over Monument Valley SOLD (click here to view auction results)

I don't know if anyone else is having the same problem, but blogger is really geting frustrating. I gave up twice this week trying to post something, and just about gave up again this morning. Anyway, here is the painting I tried to post on Tuesday evening. I have a ton of Monument Valley reference, and my only regret was that we spent just an hour or so there and didn't have the time to hike around and get some shots from different angles of these scenes. It was all from right outside the car. Click on the image for a larger view.
Monday, October 09, 2006
John Lennon (Available)

I've been looking for fun portraits to paint that have a universal interest, and just by chance I heard on the news this morning that today, October 9th, is John Lennon's birthday. I can still remember how I just didn't want to believe he was killed. He was a creative genius in many ways, and the world was cheated out of many more years of his work. Click on the image for a larger view.
Thursday, October 05, 2006
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Rainy Day Pear SOLD (click here to see aution results)

Here's a pear that I think is going to be one of my last. I couldn't stop at just indicating the basic colors that I saw. I was compelled to try to create the speckled paterns you see only after looking closer. I don't know if it was the right choice, but that's what art is all about...making choices. Click on the image for a larger view.
Sunday, October 01, 2006
Grand Canyon #2 SOLD(Click here to view auction results)

This is a bigger format for me to start using. As long as I can still get these done in a day with my other work piling up, I think it's good for a change. I need to slowly start painting larger if my technique can stay the same but only on a lrger scale.Laandscapes need bigger spaces because the elements are so small. I did take pictures of other parts of the Grand Canyon, but lost most of them in a hard drive crash. I gotta get back there for new reference. Click on the image for a larger view.
Cut Green Apple SOLD (Click here to view aution results)

I wanted to try to capture the crunchy texture of the inside of a green apple. It's a subtle warm grey on grey-green color that's so close in value that you just about have to see the original to any difference. Hopefully the larger view will show the difference. Click on the image for a larger view.