Staten Island Ferry SOLD (Click here to view results on eBay)

One our second day in New York, we took the traditional trip to the Statue of Liberty. On the way out to the Lady you get to see all the activity of New York harbor. This is a scene looking south towards the Verrazano Narrows Bridge that connects Staten Island to Brooklyn. Boy I learn alot doing this painting thing. I also found out there are a total of nine different ferries that carry people for free, and that they don't carry cars since 9-11. Click on the image for a larger view.
Hi Mick ... I have a blog about the Staten Island Ferry and I included your painting there ... ... Dude, the ferry goes from Manhattan to Staten Island, not Brooklyn. Just FYI. Congratulations on your fine work.
-- Shabe
Hello Shabe,
I appreciate any information I can get. I took a look at a map of New York, and the Verazano Narrows Bridge does connect Staten Island to Brooklyn...right? I'm not sure, but did I mistakenly say that the Ferries went to Brooklyn?
i misread what you wrote, Mick. Yes, the VZ does connect SI to Brooklyn. I'm not sure which boat it is that you painted.
I like the restrained color. You captured the muted haze very well.
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