The Old Stone Jug SOLD (Click here to view results on eBay)

This is may be the only bar in Hamilton, New York. It's just outside the campus of Colgate University in the middle of New York state, and in the middle of some of the most picturesque farm country that I have ever seen, and I come from the midwest where that is hard to top. I was shocked to see how rural the setting was for such a famous school. Click on the image for a larger view.
Great atmospheric work, well done!
Holy cow! That's a fantastic painting. Nice work, as always. :D
The painting is very nice. Too bad you did not walk around Hamilton as there are other bars in this town i.e. Nichols and Beal, Risky Business, and The Hour Glass Tavern. Just setting the record straight
Thanks Anonymous,
I didn't know very much about Hamilton at all, just that it was a great picturesgue little town outside Colgate, and I wished I had the time to walk around and see and photograph more, but it was a short two hour walk through the only dowtown area that we could find. We left early the next morning.
Thanks for the info.
Oh my gosh my daughter lived in an apartment just above the bar!
Very nice. Is that painting sold? I'm guessing it is, but just thought I'd ask.
thx, jack
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