Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Cowboy SOLD(Click here to view auction results)

My first portrait for sale I thought was going to be an Indian, but while looking for some good reference on one, I ran across this character that was the lead in the movie Hildago. I videotaped the movie on SP and even at that quality, there wasn't much detail which is probably good. There is a cool looking old Indian Chief in that movie that I might do soon. He has a hat instead of a headdress. Click on the image for a larger view.

Monday, September 25, 2006

Kiwi SOLD(click here to see aution results)

I never really appreciated kiwi's till now. They are kinda strange for color and texture, and a pain to peel the skin, but great tasting. I'll paint another batch soon. Click on the image for a larger view.

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Tea Time SOLD (click to see auction results on eBay)

I hate tea, but it makes a nice a nice scene to paint, and to some people it might bring back pleasant memories so here's my try at making it as appealing as possible

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Peeled Orange SOLD(click to see auction results on eBay)

I had to get back into some still lifes and found an orange setup on a plate that I always wanted to do. Click on the image for a larger view.

Chocolate Krispy Kreme SOLD(click to auction results on eBay)

I was really happy with this and couldn't wait to put it up until I saw what another artist had just posted on eBay. I paint a piece the day before, and post them at 9 pm the next night, and around 5 in the afternoon I got an email update from Duane Kieser showing me his Krispy Kreme. I guess this is as close as I'm ever going to come to the feeling of what it's like to show up at the prom wearing the same thing. Click here for a larger view.

Ocean Ledge SOLD (click to see auction results)

This was one of the shots from La Jolla that I still think is one of the coolest places for plein air painting. There must have been ten or more other painters there that day. Still can't believe how sunburned I got. Click on the image for a larger view,

Grand Canyon View-SOLD-(Click here to see auction results on eBay)

This is a scene of the Grand Canyon from my first trip there 2003. It was December 29th and pretty cold. This was one of the few shots I got with the sun breaking thru. Click on the image for a lrger view.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Waterfall-SOLD- (click here to bid on eBay)

I knew all the photos I stopped and took on the many trips to California would finally pay off. This however, is a shot of a waterfall that I took when I went thru Yellowstone on the way to Washington state. You can never tell what you're going to get, but luckily it was sunny for most of that day, unlike the first time I went thru there with a light mist falling most of the day. I do not envy photographers. Click on the image for a larger view.

Monday, September 18, 2006

Bluegreen stream-SOLD- (click here to see auction results on eBay)

This is a stream I shot when I visisted Chris Hopkins in 2005. Chris had always done great deep water, and I shot as much of the stuff as I could to try to get some great reference to paint one day. Click on the image for a larger view.

Raven-SOLD-(click here to view auction results)

These birds are plain scary to look into their eyes, but they do have the most amazing coloration if you look closely. The shine on their feathers and the sleek look to their bodies. It's the next best thing to being a hawk. Click on the image for a larger view.

Friday, September 15, 2006

Lime and Wedges-SOLD-( click here to see auction results on eBay)

I did just about the same layout a couple of months ago as a commission. I haven't checked yet, but for some reason I really liked the way that one turned out, and hope this one looks as good. Click on the image for a larger view.

Plums-SOLD- (click here to see auction results on eBay)

I knew I would like the color of the inside of these. Painting just a plum uncut would have been a study in black and purple. Could have been cool too. I took a bunch of shots of these so maybe in a week or two you might see a single plum.
Click on the image for a larger view.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Watermelon #2-SOLD- (Click here to see auction results on eBay)


I forgot I had another view of a simple piece of watermelon so after searching last night for something to add a little variety to what I've been painting I thought why not...more food. I'm going to force myself to paint some flowers soon, and to finally make good on my promise to paint some people. Click on the image for a larger view.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Rubber Ducky 2 SOLD (click here to see auction results)

This is my second attempt at painting little rubber ducks. I definately like this one better. I think I like the way the drain and bubbles turned out better than the duck. Maybe a painting of just a drain next time. Click on the image for a larger view.

Monday, September 11, 2006

PB&J sandwich SOLD (click here to see auction results)

I was leafing thru my stock of photos and came across a set up of peanutbutter and jelly that I hadn't used before. Jelly is such a fun texture to paint, I couldn't resist. I'm trying to leave some of the elements for the eye to fill in. Instead of every little rib on the jar lid, it's just an inference. Click on the image for a larger view.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Lemons #3-SOLD- (Click here to bid on eBay)

This way of painting is alot closer to the type of painting I would want to do. The thickness of the paint isn't there, but the brushwork is a little looser in the outer, unimportant areas, and I saved the details for the objects of more importance. Click on the image for a larger view.

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Pear- SOLD -(Click here to see auction results on eBay)


This was harder to paint than I thought it would be. First I couldn;t decide how to handle the background. Originally there was a blurry outside scene of our back deck, and I changed it to a simple value and hue...several times matter of fact. Then I didn't establish the right amount of darkness on the pear. Images can fool you into thinking they are light and bright. The pale greenish yellow on the top of the pear is actually pretty deep in value but the photograph makes you think it's nearly white. Click on the image for a larger view.

Green Peppers-SOLD- (Click here to see auction results on eBay)

green peppers..what else can I say. Click on the image for a larger view.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Pickle and some Slices-SOLD- (Click here to see auction results on eBay)


This is just about the same set up as the lemon, but this one worked as good as I hoped it would. I think the loosness of the whole pickle is just enough to be believable as a realistic pickle, and I saved the tight rendering for the slices and their seeds. There's just enough indication in the juice puddles and cuts in the wood to create a believable background. Click on the image for a closeup view.

Half a Lemon and Wedges-SOLD-(Click here to see auction results on eBay)


This one was a real experiment. I wanted some dramatic light and the glow of the inside to really set a mood, but I think too many things are fighting for attention, that they weaken each other for the spotlight. Click on the image for a larger view.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Avocados-SOLD- (click here to see auction results on eBay)

Fun fruit to paint. Great textures and colors to try to capture. Click on the image for a larger view.

Monday, September 04, 2006

Peanut butter on a Ritz-SOLD- (click here to bid on eBay)

One of my favorite treats. Not much more to say except...I need milk. Click on the image for a larger view.

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Bowl of Cherries-SOLD- (click here to see auction results on eBay)

I grabbed a silver dish shaped like a heart from the Goodwill last year, and so far it's worked for an ashtray with a cigar, and now for a bowl of cherries. I can't rememeber washing it, but I do remember those cherries having a funny salty taste. Click on the image for a larger view.

Someone's Home-SOLD- (click here to see auction results on eBay)


This is a house in my old home town of South Sioux City, Nebraska. I'm wondering if I should tell the people that own it , that I'm using it as a paint subject. I took some clutter out of thier yard, and gave the grass a little trim. Click on the image for a large view.