Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Cowboy SOLD(Click here to view auction results)

My first portrait for sale I thought was going to be an Indian, but while looking for some good reference on one, I ran across this character that was the lead in the movie Hildago. I videotaped the movie on SP and even at that quality, there wasn't much detail which is probably good. There is a cool looking old Indian Chief in that movie that I might do soon. He has a hat instead of a headdress. Click on the image for a larger view.


  1. Wow! You weren't kidding. I love this painting! The hat is absolutely beautiful. Congratulations! I wish you every success on this one!

  2. You captured the cowboy essence here, I think. Very nice :)

  3. Hi Mick, Nice work! Your skin tone values are awesome; the cool/warm contrast is very striking. JLC
