Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Yellow Desert (Click here to view auction results)

How is this for opposites? Last week we were staying in Phoenix and I was enjoying some plein air painting. This week I don't even go out to get the mail without putting on three layers of coats.
This wasn't from a plein air sitting, I snapped this shot as I was driving back from the Saguaro Lake area. The light had already died there and I thought the day was over, and then the sun sank below the cloud layer for another 20 minute light show. Click on the image for a larger view.


  1. Wow! This painting is powerful.

  2. The painting of the house makes me shiver today. It is 33 degrees here in central Texas, we should be playing golf! Instead we have ice on the trees, it sounds like rain as it melts. The desert looks very inviting at the momemt. Lovely paintings.

  3. Man! This is one of your best! I love how the light crawls slowly down into cool shadow!

    Expertly deft!

  4. I also have to say, WOW. The strong waning afternoon light and the grey ominous sky...powerful imagery.
