Sunday, October 22, 2006

Slippery Slide SOLD (Click here to see results on eBay)

Keeping with kidstiff this week, I decided to try to paint a scene that I remember from my childhood. This is a slippery slide in Wayne Nebraska, but I can still remember a slide in my home town of South Sioux city Nebraska, that really scared me. I always felt too high, and that I could see the curvature of the earth up there. When I slide down, I didn't always let go of the rails. This was a pretty nice one in Wayne, and no, I didn't slide down it. It was about fourty degrees this day. Click on the image for a larger view.


  1. nice on's amazing to me you can whip these out daily. I didn't think there were any more of these old slides around...seems like a law suit just waiting to happen now. Nice work!

  2. Great perspective! I love the point of view. It's fun. It is, of course, also beautifully executed.

  3. I agree, the perspective is great, and you've done a fabulous job handling the atmospheric perspective and integrating it with the foreground.
