Sunday, October 01, 2006

Grand Canyon #2 SOLD(Click here to view auction results)

This is a bigger format for me to start using. As long as I can still get these done in a day with my other work piling up, I think it's good for a change. I need to slowly start painting larger if my technique can stay the same but only on a lrger scale.Laandscapes need bigger spaces because the elements are so small. I did take pictures of other parts of the Grand Canyon, but lost most of them in a hard drive crash. I gotta get back there for new reference. Click on the image for a larger view.


  1. You've achieved a nice sense of depth. It's horrible when hard drives die.

  2. Very, very nice. This has a great feel to it, and the composition is really interesting. Good stuff!

  3. Very, very nice. This has a great feel to it, and the composition is really interesting. Good stuff!
